man(Who is Allen? Allen – QA Analyst and Programmer since 1985 seeking Quality Assurance Tester job)

Terry: We’re going to go through some questions they’ve asked me to take all of our candidates through.  First of all, tell me about yourself.

Allen: I’ve been a programmer since 1985 and a programmer at XXX also.  There was an opportunity for me to get into the quality assurance arena, which I’ve always liked.  I’ve always liked trying to make sure that the quality was there when people program, and of course myself too.

There were no quality assurance standards so I was able to talk to my manager and see if I could move into that role.  I created a document for best practices and was able to start testing internally to the developer’s group some of the people’s programs.

I was able to look at the code and make sure it met our standards and solely over the last few year’s I was able to move more into that role.  An opportunity came up to move into a formal quality assurance group and that happened in the last year of my role in XXX.

There, we had more of a traditional methodology and formal testing method where I would test the software and be in a more formal setting.

Here’s how I would rate this answer . . .

Q1. Tell me about yourself – ALLEN QUICK RATING – B

Your answer was relevant to position, might be able to tighten up and address some of other factors they want, saying you’ve been a programmer since 85 is potentially risky since they may think you’re too old, you could have included education and # of years of QA analysis experience since that relates to what they’re looking to hire.

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