4. What are your strengths?
The job interview question, “What are your strengths?” may seem like a slam dunk question on its face. After all – this is your chance to brag a bit. That’s what the question is designed to do – allow you to “sell” yourself and your strengths.
However, if you’re not careful – the answer you give to this job interview question may actually HURT your chances at getting the job offer.
Some candidates make the mistake of talking too much and sharing too long a list of strengths or talking eloquently about strengths that are not relevant for the particular opportunity they’re pursuing.
There are some additional tips and tricks for using this question as a great opportunity to shine (or a missed chance) that you can see in the following answers.
See 12 unique answers to this question below. Just follow each link to see what real people said. Review the rating for each answer. These real-life examples are a powerful short-cut to help you write your own answer to this frequently asked job interview question, “what are your strengths?”
Or if you would prefer a PDF document, just order Guide #2 and get all the samples pulled together into one document for easy reference. Since with the pdf version you will not only be able to read on the screen, you will also have a printer-friendly version. You’ll have the chance to highlight powerful tips for your situation and write your notes and draft answers.
Access Job Interview Tips Immediately in Guide #2
Get immediate access to the “WHAT’S RIGHT WITH YOU?” Guide in the Hollywood Movie Method Job Winning Series. This Guide will give you 12 updated sample answers provided by real people with ratings for the “what are your strengths” question. And this guide includes an additional training section for how to respond to this question.
And this pdf gives you 12 sample answers with ratings plus training sections for these additional two questions: “why do you want to work here?” and “what are your goals?”
And as a bonus, this guide includes two additional articles based on more than 10,000 hours coaching candidates to win their jobs. Discover interview mistake to avoid #2: when you’ve been taught not to brag and what to say instead. Then benefit from learning to avoid interview mistake #8: not leveraging three of your biggest assets to sell your strengths convincingly. Click the button to order your guide and get immediate access.
See Sample Answers with Ratings for What Are Your Strengths
- What are your strengths? Dana’s answer
(Who is Dana? Dana – Media Planner and Buyer with 4 years experience seeking Marketing PR Specialist role)
- What are your strengths? Jessica’s answer
(Who is Jessica? Jessica – Over 2 years experience in insurance industry seeking Customer Service Representative job)
- What are your strengths? Amy’s answer
(Who is Amy? Amy – Administrative Assistant seeking Project Manager position in Marketing Services)
- What are your strengths? Fabian’s answer
(Who is Fabian? Fabian – IT professional with 10 years experience seeking SQL Analyst Programmer job)
- What are your strengths? Don’s answer
(Who is Don? Don – MBA and International Communications Manager seeking Manager of Corporate Communications role)
- What are your strengths? Denise’s answer
(Who is Denise? Denise – Global Integrated Marketing Executive seeking Director of Strategy position)
- What are your strengths? Steven’s answer
(Who is Steven? Steven – Human Resources Professional seeking Senior Human Resources Generalist role)
- What are your strengths? Leonard’s answer
(Who is Leonard? Leonard – Non-Profit Leader with 25 years experience seeking Executive Director role)
- What are your strengths? Wendy’s answer
(Who is Wendy? Wendy – Executive and recent Chief Operating Officer seeking Controller position)
- What are your strengths? Allen’s answer
(Who is Allen? Allen – QA Analyst and Programmer since 1985 seeking Quality Assurance Tester job)
- What are your strengths? Bonnie’s answer
(Who is Bonnie? Bonnie – CPA with over 6 years experience seeking Accounting Manager position)
- What are your strengths? Margaret’s answer
(Who is Margaret? Margaret – Senior Level Marketing Communications Professional seeking position with University)